A CI/CD Checklist

I propose a simple checklist to manage multiple projects by a distributed team. The aim is provide a document for teams to improve their processes of delivering software with concrete steps and technologies to resolve it. You should adapt it to your needs and technology stack!

Why?: Often, processes are not repeated in different parts of an organization, this checklist aims to be used as a document for all teams to execute in a unified and growth-oriented way.

See the The Continuous Delivery Maturity Model for more information about the approach. See more about why checklists are a good idea.

Culture, Org & Processes


  • Version control: Project code is version in Gitlab, migrated from other sources?
  • Feature branches: A branch is created for every change and commits go first to this branch
  • Code review: A Merge Request is created for every push (no direct push to master or develop) and reviewed by another team member
  • Versioning: Project uses MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH versions (as according to semver.org)


  • A single person is named BUILD MASTER which ensures the builds stay green and get fixed in case of failure.
  • Project uses 2 main branches (develop and master) but every iteration (sprint) develop gets merged to master (this is meant to be improved upon)
  • Developers do code review each other via MR (at least one of the developers has experience)
  • Project can be built with a single command
  • Project follows a single standard for dependency management.
  • Gitlab shows badges with the health of the build


  • TDD: Every Issue gets written first as a set of unit tests. The functional code is created afterwards.
  • Project has switched to one single active branch (master), develop is not used.
  • A Hotfix job is created to build special versions in emergency cases
  • Each MR corresponds to a Taiga (or Jira) task. The MR name contains the number of the task
  • Each MR is rebased to include a single commit. The new commit message is descriptive and can potentially be used to create a changelog.
  • Each MR gets it’s branch rebased, and branch is removed/archived after merge
  • Project has AD (LDAP) group created with the team members
  • Jenkins uses group to give basic read permissions to AD group
  • Sonar uses group to give basic read permissions to AD group
  • Gitlab uses group to give Developer status to AD group
  • Management, Clients and Users expect to receive a release to QA environment every iteration or sprint.


  • BDD: Every User Story gets written first as a set of user acceptance tests. At a minimum one happy path is coded. The functional code is created afterwards.
  • Management, Clients and Users expect to receive a release to LIVE environment every iteration or sprint.
  • Management, Clients and Users expect to receive a release to LIVE environment several times per day.
  • Cross-functional teams, MCON and CF style

Design and Architecture


  • The project uses a single coding standard for all files of the project.


  • The project uses a single coding standard enforced in a pre-commit hook. Developers cannot commit if standard is not followed. Project cannot be built if standard is not followed.
  • Artifacts have no configuration (build once, run everywhere). See 12factor.net
  • If this is an API project, interface is clear and can be deduced automatically from the controller code.
  • Feedback with results of code changes is immediate on local machine.


  • Configuration management: Configuration is stored in version control and can be rolled back.
  • Database schema is maintained automatically via scripts in the git repo.


  • Component based architecture: Reusable modules are used across teams in the company.
  • API projects: API is versioned and multiple versions of the API can be called
  • Infrastructure as code

Build & Deploy


  • A single Jenkins CI URL is available per project, with several Build Jobs. Optionally, separate Jenkins for Deployment is created.
  • Jenkins CI Build Jobs currently running, the builds are working.
  • Jenkins CI sends an email notification to the team if build fails or is restored
  • A CI DEV environment (internal review) available for integration and uses polling for automated deployments.


  • A CI QA environment (external review) available for integration and automated deployment. Automated deployments are triggered manually.
  • Jenkins has been updated for Jenkins 2, this will enable Pipelines in upper maturity stages.
  • The team can see Jenkins build configuration. View Configuration plugin can be used to achieve this securely.
  • Artifact Storage: Nexus repository is present for the projects. Group ID and Artifact ID are defined and documented.
  • Nexus receives artifacts from Jenkins directly (no manual uploads)
  • Jenkins build runs automatically on push to master, notifies teams.
  • Deployment to a DEV server (internal review) is completely automated
  • Versioning: Jenkins CI bumps (+1) the PATCH of the version on every successful build. This is committed back as a tag. Jenkins performs the git tagging (no manual tags are created by the team)


  • Project has at least 3 types of configured jobs: Build, Deployment and E2E test.
  • Deployment to a QA server is completely automated (external review)


  • Jenkins CI pipelines are setup to connect build, deploy and E2E test jobs.
  • Jenkins pipelines are committed and versioned in a separate Gitlab repo.
  • Automated and on-demand creation of test environments
  • Deployment to a LIVE server is fully automated (public release)
  • Zero touch continuous deployment to production where every commit can potentially make it all the way to production automatically.
  • Build bakery: Produce VMs/containers on the fly in the pipeline as deployable artifacts.

Test & Verification


  • Testing is done manually, tester role is defined. Manual testing is documented in User Acceptance Test in each User Story.
  • Issue Tracking: Testing findings are always reported as Taiga (or Jira) issue, with an assignee.
  • Unit tests (minimum 1 test) runs with one command on a local development environment.


  • Build fails if any unit test fails.
  • Each MR includes updates to the unit test it affects (prevent regressions)
  • Unit tests coverage is reported automatically in the build.
  • Unit tests coverage is over 80%
  • Regressions Prevention: Every bug fix contains a new UT test case to prevent regressions; unit tests name contains the Taiga (or Jira) issue code.
  • Coverage is reported on the screen after running a single test command on a local file. External services of the project are mocked.
  • Automated Smoke tests: E2E tests for all 1 or 2 base business cases.


  • All bug fixes contain updates to UAT cases in order to prevent regressions
  • Automated User Acceptance Testing: E2E tests for all correct (happy) cases.
  • Team can access the project interactively to check the functionality.
  • Mutation Testing in an additional Jenkins Job runs to guarantee UT quality


  • Automated User Acceptance Testing: E2E tests for all error cases. When bugs are found, they are added to the suite.
  • Selenium tests run for all user stories (error cases)
  • Automated integration testing
  • Automated performance testing
  • Businesses metrics are in the definition have done: from release to sometime later business has analyzed the effects of the released feature or change and evaluate the impact

Information & Reporting


  • Logging mechanism is useful and uses several levels (DEBUG, INFO, ERROR, etc.).
  • README.md explains the projects goals and role in the architecture
  • README.md project local build has complete setup documentation


  • Sonar is configured for the project
  • Sonar report is updated (last version)
  • Sonar quality gate is reported in Jenkins
  • Sonar reports the unit test coverage in the dashboard.


  • Sonar reports less than 2 days of technical debt
  • Logging is configured to be sent to Graylog, the logs are visible to the team.
  • API project: Interface (controllers) is clear and contract is deduced automatically from the code.


  • Monitoring using ELK (logstash first).
  • Event based monitoring using Graphana, Prometheus.